Rural Mental Health

According to National Institute of Mental Health -NIH, 60% of rural Americans live in mental health professional shortage areas. More than 90% of all psychologists and psychiatrists, and 80% of Masters of Social Work, work exclusively in metropolitan areas. More than 65% of rural Americans get their mental health care from a primary healthcare provider, and the mental health crisis responder for most rural Americans is a law enforcement officer. (Source: Research on Disparities and Global Mental Health at the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health or the NIMH)


There is three main challenging mental health issue in a rural area.

Accessibility – People have to travel long distances to provide and receive services. Most of these are are unlikely to have insurance for mental health care.

Acceptability – The lack of awareness in terms of recognition for such a service.Rural people often lack choice of providers and stigma.

Availability– Provider service in the local area.

Solutions like Ellora are making a difference in the hands of culturally competent providers. Ellora Systems and providers work together, share resources, and focus on what works. At Ellora Systems, we believe that we help people get from whatever door they walk into the care they need in that partnership of care. By empowering the culturally competent providers who understand the rural environment and the rural cultures at play, we make a difference.

Ellora Stages of Engagement

  • Understand your business process of using paper records, manual methods, to track patient encounters.
  • Work with you to setup Role-based access control.Basic security policies and capabilities addressing physical access, acceptable use.
  • Customize your forms
  • On board your staff and train them to start running your paperless office.

Today, we have the technology that people don’t have to leave their rural area to receive that training. If you are a Behavioral Health rural provider looking to transform your practice, book a demo with us to find out how to make your medical practice simple with Ellora Systems.

Visit Ellora Systems.

Author : Sanjay Joshi

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